Hazard perception test for drivers

This test is taken at the same time as the theory test

hazard perceptionThe hazard perception element of the theory test was introduced by the The Driving Standards Agency (DSA) on 14th November 2002. This test is taken at the same time as the theory test and will take about an extra 15 minutes. The object is to identify up to 15 hazards as quickly as possible from 14 video clips, and you will have to pass this before being let loose on the practical test.

Young drivers have quicker reactions than older drivers. However, the more experienced driver scans the road better and recognises the clues that show a hazardous situation is developing much earlier and therefore starts to take action before the danger occurs. This is one of the reasons why accident involvement generally reduces as experience is gained. New drivers take much longer (up to two seconds longer) to recognise hazardous situations than more experienced drivers.

The electronic test is taken in front of a normal computer monitor. There are no pedals or steering wheel, just a mouse. The "driver" watches a series of video clips, each about a minute long, filmed on all sorts of roads, from country lanes to suburban high streets to motorways. Each clip will contain one or more developing hazards. Candidates need to click the mouse button as soon as they see a hazard. You will be asked to indicate as soon as they see a hazard developing which may result in the driver taking some action, such as changing speed or direction. The sooner a response is made the higher the score.

Typical hazards include:

  • School crossing and bus waiting with children crossing road
  • Breakdown vehicle on bend
  • Vans parked with hazard warning lights on
  • Cyclist on country road
  • Vehicle doing U turn on brow of hill
  • Furniture vans parked on bend (door open) with oncoming traffic
  • Green traffic light turns on approach
  • Parked vehicles/road works
  • Car emerging from left
  • Stray dog by kerb
  • Zebra crossing with pedestrians crossing
  • Vehicle emerges from left in road dip
  • Pedestrian trying to cross road
  • Car looking as though it may join traffic from right
  • Woman with pushchair ready to cross road
  • Blind man with dog by kerb
  • Vehicle edging out of side road from right
  • Zebra crossing with pedestrian crossing
  • Bus pulling out
  • Car late stopping at left hand junction
  • Vehicle turning right across traffic
  • Car stopping in road to collect passenger
  • Parked car and oncoming car

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